All About Hani
The Stats: My baby is 12 months now, but still isn't walking. That's okay though. As long as she is only crawling, she is still my baby, my infant. Once she starts walking she will be a toddler, a little girl! So my days are limited. She is already such a little diva. She LOVES shoes. I have even witnessed her trying to put on my dressier, heeled shoes on her feet.. something she tried months ago, even. At the mall, she was content to just observe... until we walked into a shoe store, where she promptly went beserk reaching for the shoes. She likes puting on necklaces (always with my supervision of course). I can tell she seems to appreciate getting dressed up. On her birthday, she let me get stuff done and she stayed out of trouble.. it really felt like she knew all the fuss was for her. She waved her arms wildly when everyone sang her the Mexican birthday song. She likes bathes and she is not one to sit in a dirty diaper. When she is dirty she will crawl over to me sit ...